Outpatient Treatment

The California Gambling and Education Treatment Services (CalGETS) Outpatient Provider Network

This CalGETS outpatient provider network is composed of licensed therapists with specialized training in the treatment of problem gamblers and their families. Using a combination of state-provided treatment materials, knowledge and skills acquired from the trainings, and techniques from the therapist’s own orientation and clinical experience, a therapeutic relationship is created to help each client succeed in their recovery. Free treatment is provided for up to 6 weeks, after which the therapist and client develop a payment plan

To find a CalGETS therapist in your area, please either call 1-800-GAMBLER or 1-800-426-2537, or locate a treatment provider through our Treatment Provider Search Tool.

Additional Options:

The UCLA Addiction Psychiatry Clinic

The UCLA Addiction Psychiatry Clinic provides treatment for patients with a variety of addictive disorders, including problem gambling. This is a teaching clinic that is staffed by psychiatry residents and supervised by Dr. Timothy Fong. For more information on physicians and services at the UCLA Addiction Psychiatry Clinic, call Dr. Fong’s office at (310) 825-1479.

Private Practice

Dr. Richard Rosenthal treats people with gambling problems in his office in Beverly Hills. Dr. Rosenthal provides consultations, diagnostic assessments and individual and family therapy. For more information or to make an appointment, call (310) 278-3746.

Dr. Michael Campos also treats people with gambling problems in his office in Westwood. Dr. Campos provides consultations, diagnostic assessments and individual therapy. For more information or to make an appointment, call (310) 663-8936 or visit his website: http://mdcamposphd.com.

Westside Gambling Treatment

Westside Gambling Treatment provides timely and cost-effective treatment for California residents whose relationships and finances have been impacted by problem sports betting, crypto/stock trading and online gaming. For more information or to make an appointment, call Dan Field, LCSW at 213-359-7722, email dan@westsidegambling.com, or visit the website: https://westsidegamblingtreatment.com.

Telehealth is available for all treatment components.