Gambling Studies Program

Recommended Reading

Epstein, R. (2023). The Human Costs of the Sports Bet Boom. Illustrations by Neil Jamieson. Men’s Health.

Ciarrocchi, J.W.(2002).  Counseling Problem Gamblers: A Self-Regulation Manual for Individual and Family Therapy.  San Diego: Academic Press.

Schwartz, D.G. (2006).  Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling.  New York: Gotham Books.

Berman, L. & Siegel, M.E. (1992).  Behind the Eight-Ball: A Guide for Families of Gamblers.  New York: Fireside/Parkside Recovery Book.  Simon & Schuster.

Blaszczynski, A. (1998).  Overcoming Compulsive Gambling: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques.  London: Robinson Publ. 

Custer, R. & Milt, H. (1985).  When Luck Runs Out: Help for Compulsive Gamblers and Their Families.  New York: Facts on File Publ. 

Davis D.R. (2009).  Taking back you life:  Women and Problem Gambling.  Hazelden.  (Paperback).

Derevensky, J.L. & Gupta R. (2004). Gambling Problems in Youth: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives.  New York: Springer Publishing.

Dostoyevsky, F.M.(1866). The Gambler.  In J. Coulson (Trans.), The Gambler/Bobok/A Nasty Story. London: Penguin, 1966.

Estes, K. & Brubaker, M. (1994). Deadly Odds: Recovery from Compulsive Gambling.  New York: Parkside Publishing Corporation.

Heineman, M. (2001). Losing Your Shirt: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and Their Families.  Second edition. Center City, MN: Hazelden.

Lee, B. (2005).  Born to Lose: Memoirs of a Compulsive Gambler.  Center City, MN: Hazelden Publishing.

National Research Council (1999).  Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review.  Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Reid, Fong, Campos, Rosenthal. Similarities and Differences: Gambling and Substance Use Disorders. UCLA Gambling Studies Program Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles.