Gambling Studies Program

Fast Facts

January 2022 – People who experience harm or problems from gambling may have a mental health condition

November/December 2021 – Affected Individuals’ Approaches to Problem Gamblers Vary by Gender

October 2021 – Most Affected Individuals Did Not Attend Gam-Anon Meetings Before Intake

September 2021 – CalGETS: Men Gamblers Have Mild to Moderate Depression at Intake

August 2021 – CalGETS: Women Gamblers Have Moderate Depression at Intake

July 2021 – CalGETS: Gambling Types Vary by Gender Among Problem Gamblers

June 2021 – Problem Gamblers’ Gambling Urge by Treatment Visit and Marital Status

May 2021 – Gambling History of CalGETS Problem Gamblers by Income Level

April 2021 – Household Income of CalGETS Clients is Lower than Other Californians