Gambling Studies Program

Fast Facts

March 2021 – CalGETS Helpline and Outpatient Treatment Intakes Vary by Month

February 2021 – Percentage of CalGETS Clients’ Gender is Similar Over 5 Years

January 2021 – Problem Gamblers’ Depression and Suicidal Thinking is a Public Health Concern

November/December 2020 – Problem Gamblers Are Less Likely to be Married than California Adults

October 2020 – Gamblers’ Anonymous (GA) Attendance Among CalGETS Problem Gamblers

September 2020 – Race/Ethnicity Among Problem Gamblers in Outpatient Treatment

August 2020 – Recent Decline in Health Insurance Among Problem Gamblers

July 2020 – Cannabis Use Increasing Among Problem Gamblers Entering Treatment

June 2020 – Gamblers’ Treatment Goals and Gambling During Treatment