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Ask the Expert: Dr. Timothy Fong of UCLA Gambling Studies Program

The Phoenix Spirit -

Americans expected to place record $1.39bn in bets for Super Bowl LIX

The Guardian -

Billions were bet on Louisiana’s Super Bowl – what’s the risk?

The Current -

How the quick high of ‘fast-food gambling’ ensnared young men

The Guardian -

Gambling problems are mushrooming. Panel says we need to act now.

The Harvard Gazette -

Gambling Disorder on the Rise, but Often Overlooked

Medscape Medical News -

How Different Learning Modes May Explain Problem Gambling

CalTech -

Sports betting has changed. Could it affect your health?

American Heart Association News -

Sports betting is getting much easier, will that change us?

Nexstar -

Sports betting continues to expand in the US

NTV News NNN -